Tonight we had our first Bahasa Indonesian lesson. Bahasa means language so we obviously had our first Indonesian language lesson. We are both taking a language class with a couple other teachers. We are staggering classes so that couples can split times and one can go to class while the other stays at home with the kids. It seemed to work out really well, at least for the first time. As far as languages go it seems to be pretty straight forward. No difficult tonal sounds or tenses to figure out. That said it's still going to be a lot of work to become at least conversational.
Today we bought tickets to the International Food Fair this Saturday night. It is supposed to be a good time with plenty of tasty treats and free beer. Free beer, how could you go wrong?
I dislocated my shoulder this week on our Tuesday ride. It was a freaky incident. I went down and my shoulder made a crunching cracking sound. I was sure I broke my collar bone because when I righted myself I couldn't move my arm and it was hanging at a funny angle. It almost immediately popped back in so I was lucky in that respect. I took a couple minutes to gather myself and then was able to get back on the bike. Luckily it was happened close to a main road and in 25 minutes or so we were home.
I rang the camp Dr. and she said to come right down. She had a look at me and thought that everything looked fairly normal and sent me on my way with a couple anti-inflammatories. She rang me up the next day and asked if I wouldn't mind coming down for some x-rays. They had just gotten in some new equipment and she said I could come down and get some x-rays taken if I so desired. I thought it would give me some peace of mind after such a hard fall. The sound my shoulder made was like nothing I had ever heard before in all my years of crashing.
I was standing with the x-ray technician in the x-ray room 3 minutes after showing up at the clinic. I think the time I waited to be seen was less time than It took for him to figure out how to properly set up the equipment. They took a couple x-rays of my shoulder from different angles and everyone of them looked good. It seems it's just going to be a matter of waiting for things to heal.
There's a Vespa show and sale this Saturday that I might try to check out since I will not be able to make our Saturday ride. I might take the camera, well see.