Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Night

I thought before I head to bed I'll go and check out interactive electoral vote maps on the internet...again. After running through possible scenarios it seems to me that there is almost no way that John McCain can win. But you never know, depending on which poll you listen to it could be a landslide or a close race. The problem with polls are, who are they calling? Most polls only call people who have voted in recent elections. If you have been reading the news you know that record numbers of people have registered and will be voting for the first time.(or at least the first time in a long time) It should be interesting nonetheless.

In other news I am heading to a home brew shop this weekend with some buddies to see about getting a home brew kit up and running. I have a feeling some olfactory/taste bud exercise will ensue.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro. I figured since you guys are a day ahead you could have told us the results.