Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Quimages

Here is Q opening some presents:

A pic from Christmas Eve:

Here is Q playing with his trains:

Here is Q visiting the horses who live up the street from Grandma.

Here are some pics from a hike in Pima Canyon we took with our buddy BP:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Beer School Santa

Today we went to a nice Christmas party for kids. Our friends hosted a gift exchange at their house. I have never been with so many kids in such a small space before. Overall it was a big success. Santa even made an appearance to hand out gifts.

The party started at the same time Q's nap was supposed to start. He was falling asleep as we pulled up. We gathered our stuff and headed in at which time Q immediately lost it. I think he was still a bit groggy from his 5 minute nap or something. It took him a bit but he got it together and ended up having a good time. Most of the kids took turns losing their shit and then coming back around to enjoying themselves.

Of course when Santa arrived a couple kids freaked out. Q was ok with Santa until he sat on his lap. Then he was not ok with Santa. Here is a pic for you amusement.

Here are some pics of the kids in present mode:

You can see Q in the back enjoying his present on the couch. He got some sort of drawing device that is back lit and requires batteries. We have yet to use it to its fullest potential as we still need to put batteries in it. I figure if we don' use batteries for awhile when we do put them in it will be like getting a whole new gift again.

Tonight we are heading to our staff Christmas party for grown ups. On The Boarder Mexican restaurant is catering so it should be tasty.

Last night a couple friends and I hopped on the subway and ventured back to the homebrewig shop called Beer School. Luckily this time it was open.(This time I called ahead to make sure) In Seoul it is OK to drink in public so we got a couple Heinekens for the trip. The owner of Beer School loves beer so he teaches anyone who is interested how to make home brew. He has a descent selection of supplies and ingredients. For 20 bucks he'll walk you through the process, feed you some tasty grub, and give you a liter of home brew he's made. We each chose a different style of brew to try and all shared with each other. Tasty!!

Here are some pics from our session:

Here Ben is crying tears of joy.

Notice the intense concentration and focus.

Here we are awaiting our tasting session.

Notice the smiles.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Picture Parade

Some of the folks we work with like to play practical jokes. A fourth grade teacher who works a couple doors down from me likes to photoshop people into pictures for a humorous effect. Here is an example:

I retaliated with this one:

Then he came out with this one which was funny because it includes our principal and some other staff members who share a good sense of humor.

Then I pulled out the clincher. He new he was up against a superior and promptly retired after this one. The other person in this is another 5th grade teacher. The original picture was actually some friends of ours in Cambodia.

I think the text on the picture makes this one super sweet. It was already there, I couldn't write anything that beautiful.
