Saturday, May 23, 2009

Best Foot Forward

This weeks has been a rough one. First I sprained my ankle pretty badly playing hoops on Monday. Here is a picture of it today (Saturday), 5 days later.

I have been on crutches all week. I went to the emergency room on Monday night to get my ankle x-rayed. I wanted to be sure that there wasn't bone damage. There wasn't so I made an appointment to see an ortho on Thursday. He looked me over and told me to come back in a week. He was thorough and explained things to me in good English. I have to wear a brace for at least another week. The swelling has gone down immensely in the last 24 hours. I think keeping off it and icing it regularly has helped a lot.

On top of that J has come down with a pretty bad cold. She feels like crud but in true form barely complains at all.

We fly back to the states in 3 weeks. I'm participating in a training all this week so I really only have 2 weeks left of teaching.

Time flies when your having fun.


Chris said...

You need a better story than "I was playing hoops." How about "I jumped in front of a train to save a Korean Pop Star and my ankle twisted" or "I was teaching my class how to throw ninja stars and twisted my ankle running to avoid an errant throw."

Hope it heals -- only 3 weeks left! Lucky ducks...

Anonymous said...

It hurts just to look at it.

aunt carole said...

Hey guys, beautiful pictures, wonderful faces; and that's a seriously ugly sprain. I actually did mine too 2 weeks ago too, running down to the river. I'm really glad you are coming home soon, even for a short visit. Your neighbor to the north is really crazy. Meanwhile, I love you and hope to see you soon,