Monday, October 20, 2008

Leap of Faith

Of course another busy week. Our new/used car was delivered to the school at the end of last week. It arrived without incident and was more or less in the exact shape as when we bought it. I was half expecting to have the car arrive with a different motor, a seat missing, four bald tires or something of the sort. But it arrived, it started when I turned the ignition, and Q and I drove it home without even getting lost. Overall it was a success.

J had an overnight V-ball trip on Friday/Saturday. It was the first time she has been away from Q overnight since he was born. The team did really well. J will tell you all about it I'm sure. She has a couple games this week and next before leaving for a week long tournament. So in essence this past weekend was just preparing her for the week-long hiatus from Q.

On Sunday we decided to load the family in the car and head out for some excitement. We went to our neighborhood Mexican restaurant and had treated ourselves to some Korean style TexMex. It was actually better than it sounds. The chef went a little overboard with the cinnamon but I still enjoyed it.

After lunch we scooted (that is what you do in our car because it's so small) over to Yuldong Park to meet up with friends for some bungee jumping. For some reason or another it was a very busy day for the bungee jumping operation. We ended up waiting to jump for quite some time. (By quite some time I mean like over 2 hours) This was tempered by company and the fact that people were making occasional beer runs. It was blast as those of you who have bungee'd know. The jumpers ran the gamut of age and gender. It was fun watching everyone get really nervous but still take the plunge when it came time to leap off the edge. Here is a comic I made of a couple of the jumpers. I left the "thought" balloons blank and posted a hard copy of this in the staff lounge and asked people to fill in the balloons with what they think was going through the minds of the jumpers at the moment represented in the photo.
Here is what we look like standing on the ground.

We got our tickets home this past week as well. We will be arriving on the 13th of December and staying through the 1st of January. Drop us a line and let us know if you'll be around.

I got a great email from Bryan about some motorcycle riding he's been doing which planted the seed of a short moto trip in my mind during our time back home. Now I just need to figure out where to go. Somewhere warm I'm thinking.

We need to name our car and are open to suggestions. I know it is hard to name a car without ever seeing it but just imagine a small silver hatchback. I'll try and get some pics up soon.


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