Friday, October 3, 2008


I have a few friends who use the word whilst. I have never used the word whilst before because if I did I thought I might have to beat myself up. I thought it was time to "face my Vader" and have used this word three times in the past three minutes and I can say that I have not yet kicked my own ass. I feel as though I'm pushing my luck so I better move on.

Tomorrow I'm doing something that I'm not all that happy about. I'm going to look at used cars. It's not that I'm unhappy about the process, I'm just not happy about owning another car. Although we have been doing quite well without one we have felt the limitations every now and then. Now that the temperature is on the downturn it might make it a bit more inconvenient to sit and wait for a bus. From what I hear it can get pretty darn cold and I just think it would be easier for all of us to hop in a car and head directly to our destination in heated comfort.

Even if we do buy a car we actually don't plan on using it daily or even on a weekly basis. But there will be times when we want to visit friends who live an hour or so away and we would rather jump in a car and head on our way.

From what I hear you can get a good used car for under $2 grand US. I know someone who actually drives a car they bought for $400 US. Your options are basically Hyundai, Kia, and Daewoo.

J is at another V-ball game tonight. Her team won!! She has to wait for the boys team to play before they can all get on the bus and take the 2 hour trip home. That should put her back around 10ish. Brutal.

I'm working on some video of Q, or some Quideo if you will. (now you understand why we chose the name) Or more truthfully I'm thinking of working on some video of Q. I have some raw footage I just need to edit it down. Anyone who has ever edited video knows what a labor intensive and time consuming process it is. Add a little man constantly trying to get at and poke the computer your working on and it gets clost to impossible to make much progress. But sometime soon I hope to get some video up.



Chris said...

Whatever car you find, no doubt it will pale in comparison to the Mercedes...whilst driving your new Daewoo (they make a mean forklift here in Canada) you will wish you were in the stable, strong, secure confines of the big yellow Merc's cabin, complete with rusted floorboards, INTERPOL Thailand sticker, and bouncy, bouncy seats...

@B_Sheridan said...

The Merc will live forever in my mind and heart. From its memory I will garner the strength to get through the tough, dark, long and lonely cold nights.